
Archive for the ‘family’ Category

gary's autumn

How wonderful to experience the beauty of autumn through the eyes of a loved one! These expressive photos of Hutchins Farm, in Concord Massachusetts, were taken by my brother Gary while on a shopping trip with my mom…autumn’s warm golden light served him well elevating this humble window shade and orderly row of pumpkins into glowing works of art and in the foreground, bins of aubergine tinted vegetables offered him sculptural forms and textures as only nature could provide…a simple yet soulful composition that speaks so eloquently to fall in New England…so glad I could share this with you today

Gary and mom’s shopping list:


honey nut squash


cooking onions



gary's autumn 1

gary's autumn 2

gary's autumn 3

gary's autumn 4

photography by gary geissler, 9/29/13

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egan’s corner

In celebration of Father’s Day, I’d like to share with you a letter written about my grandfather…I re-typed it from an old newspaper clipping my mom unearthed the other day while cleaning…its torn edges left some letters missing but remarkably its content is still intact…it is a moving tribute to an exceptional man remembered for his kindness, generosity and leadership…I only wish I could have known him…how wonderful it would have been to hear about Egan’s Corner from the one and only Bob Egan

Tribute to Bob Egan

In the morning mail comes this splendid tribute to the late Bob Egan of East Cambridge…It was signed by an East Cambridge resident who asked that we keep his identity secret…”Dear Rambler: Egan’s Corner in East Cambridge does not seem the same any more…The passing of Bob Egan left a void that probably will never be filled…In every organization or gathering of men there is always one who takes it on himself to start things…The average fellow will gladly do his share when he is called on but there always has to be one who will take it on himself to get things moving, regardless of the labor and the headaches involved…Such a one was Bob Egan…Many times the boys who frequented Egan’s Corner pitched in on a collection for flowers when some close relative of one of them passed away…Often times they got together and enrolled the deceased in some religious society or sponsored a military mass for the boys in the service…Always Bob was the driving spirit behind these movements…The mass for boys in the service was his idea and he had similar masses planned for other parishes when death overtook him…He was the one who made arrangements for the raising of a service flag over Egan’s drug store and it was his idea to decorate the window with pictures of the boys in the service…The servicemen’s plaque which will soon be on display in Egan’s window was designed and procured by Bob…Always when something for somebody else had to be started, Bob Egan was the one to start the ball rolling…And when he started it, you could always be sure that he would finish it-successfully…Bob was born and educated in East Cambridge…It is safe to say that he had a wider acquaintance with the younger generation than anyone else down here…worked at Thorndike Field for about three years and always kept his friendships with the boys, many of whom are now in the service…He wrote to many boys from Cambridge on the far-flung battlefields of the war and could give you up-to-the minute news of many of them…Likeable Bob Egan will be mourned for a longtime in East Cambridge!” ~ October, 1943

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